To get your artwork out into the public eye, you can benefit greatly from a well-designed and eye-catching website. But you're probably not a website design expert, so how can you know what to include -- or not include -- in an internet portfolio? Here are 4 tips to help you create a website that will show off your art in the best way possible.
Keep It Simple
Don't try to overload your website with too much information. If you have a large portfolio, don't include every single work of art. Instead, choose one or two representative pieces each from different collections, subjects, or eras. Feature these on your site, changing them occasionally to keep your site fresh. Limit distractions as well by avoiding ads on your website, even if it could bring in a little extra income. Ads will distract and detract from your work and your message.
Don't feel the need to include too many pages or long menus. A clean, simple webpage that's easy to use should have only a few pages: a biography page (which may include an artist statement about how your work affects you or what your intent is), contact information, a gallery of the art, and a method to purchase it. If you add too much beyond those necessities, you risk overloading your viewer with information they neither want nor need.
Link Social Media
Social media is vital to publicity and sales in this modern world, so you should already be using several different social media platforms to promote yourself. If not, now is the time to get connected to social media options. Then provide links throughout your website so that visitors can find you and keep up with your work easily and quickly.
Think Mobile
More and more consumers are searching and viewing the web using mobile devices like phones and tablets. Those websites that can't offer a usable mobile page are likely to suffer and be passed over. If you're unclear how to design a webpage that works well in a mobile version, work with a professional website designer who can size your art appropriately, create appealing mobile pages and ensure your site is compatible with the various browsers being used.
Make It Clear
Potential customers who arrive at your website will often know nothing about you or your work, so offer brief and clear explanations of each piece and the ideas behind it. Don't go into too much detail -- perhaps a paragraph or just a few sentences -- but write your explanation as though each guest is a new arrival who has never seen your work.
If website design seems overwhelming or you're unsure how to create a truly useful one, it may be best to consult with a designer. Since your first impression is one of the most important ones, be sure you start off on the best foot you can with all your potential new customers.
Share14 October 2015
Marketing is an important and oftentimes overlooked part of every business plan. If you don't market your business, your product and your brand effectively, you will either struggle to bring in a profit or not reach the potential that you could. If you haven't created a marketing plan or haven't had much luck with the one you have in place, this blog can help. You will learn about the basic to the advanced marketing tactics that are helpful in boosting just about any business in the brick and mortar and virtual worlds. Use what you learn here on this blog and next year could be different.