Revenue for cities comes from three places; taxes, parking fines, and tourism. If that last bit is a big problem for your city, and not enough tourists are choosing to visit, your city needs some big help in a small way. More specifically, what it needs is group training for small towns, the type of training that focuses on marketing and targeting to tourists. Here is what is typically involved in this type of training.
Chamber of Commerce Members and Tourism Board (Plus a Few Select Others)
This is a marketing training. It is for anyone that is on the city's Chamber of Commerce and tourism boards, plus anyone else in the city government department (like the mayor) who may find the training very useful and informative. As select groups, everyone should decide who to involve in this type of training, and which select others should be in attendance. The training can be held on any night of the week, and it does not have to be scheduled for a weeknight or weekday specifically. There are trainers that can and will schedule Saturday trainings if that works out better for everyone else.
The Trainer Will Ask Questions and Assess Why Tourism Is Not Thriving
People attending this training should have a really good grasp of why tourism is not thriving in the city. What is lacking? Why are tourists more excited to keep going down the road rather than stop here? The trainer will ask questions of everyone in attendance and make a list of what people assume is the problem.
A survey may be sent out by the trainer to a randomly selected group of residents to get an idea of what the residents think are the city's issues with regards to drawing tourists. Then the trainer will compile the results, match them against what you and the other city officials have to say, and provide an assessment of the issues that prevent tourism from thriving in your city.
Discussing Marketing Solutions and Options
A big part of why tourists do not stop is because they do not see any reason to stop. Are they aware of the big, beautiful hotel downtown that has been there for over a century? What about the local historical attractions or the annual festival of "x,y,z..."? If you do not tell tourists what is here and available in your city, they do not know and will not stop. The training jumps headlong into marketing solutions and options that will inform tourists and get them excited about visiting your city.
Share11 July 2019
Marketing is an important and oftentimes overlooked part of every business plan. If you don't market your business, your product and your brand effectively, you will either struggle to bring in a profit or not reach the potential that you could. If you haven't created a marketing plan or haven't had much luck with the one you have in place, this blog can help. You will learn about the basic to the advanced marketing tactics that are helpful in boosting just about any business in the brick and mortar and virtual worlds. Use what you learn here on this blog and next year could be different.