Leveraging A Fulfillment Service To Meet Your Company's Shipping Needs


Once a customer buys a product from you, it is necessary to ship these items to the purchaser. In this regard, fulfillment services can be a highly flexible and efficient option for your company to use. Suitable For Enterprises Of Any Size Small business leaders may assume that their companies are too small to be able to utilize a fulfillment service. In reality, these services are suitable for businesses of almost any size.

17 November 2021

How to Maximize the Benefits of Every Door Direct Mail


Every-door mail is one of the most instantly accessible forms of marketing available. You can produce and distribute marketing materials quickly this way, and you can depend on the fact that folks will see your message. When you make this investment, though, you want to maximize the benefit for both your campaign and for the folks who receive the mailers. These four recommendations will help you to produce a more valuable campaign.

21 July 2021

Why Linear TV Ads Are Still Worthwhile


When you think about advertising your business, you might think about using online advertising methods. If you are thinking about purchasing television-type ads, you might be thinking about advertising on a streaming service. After all, as you probably already know, linear TV — which is essentially traditional TV — has fallen in popularity over the years. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't invest in linear TV ads, though. You might just find that they are still worth it for advertising your business for these reasons and more.

30 November 2020

5 Different Ways To Make Money Online


If you find yourself in need of another income stream, one way to generate another income stream while maintaining your regular job is by working online. There are lots of ways to make money online, depending upon your skillset. Here are a few suggestions to get you started on figuring out how to make money online. Way #1: Online Surveys If you are just looking to make a little extra pocket money, you can look into taking online surveys.

22 September 2020

Create A Dynamic Approach To Real Estate Agent Marketing


"House flippers" might put properties on the market regularly. The average homeowner isn't often involved with the real estate market. When the time comes to sell a home, how does someone choose a real estate agent? The homeowner reviews advertising material online and in print to find the right agent. Anyone in the real estate broker marketing service business should look towards crafting a more dynamic marketing approach. An uninspired marketing campaign might not draw too many would-be sellers to a particular agent.

23 June 2020

The Pros And Cons Of An Unusual Product Package Shape


Are you considering a product packaging design with an unusual shape? This seemingly simple design choice is actually more complex than many entrepreneurs think. How so? Here are a few pros and cons of choosing a non-standard packaging shape so you can make the best decision for your business.  The Pros of a Custom Shape The biggest reason that most businesses opt for an unusual shape is to get noticed on the store shelves.

12 May 2020

Quitting A 9-5 To Work As A Freelance Writer? Don't Neglect Print Marketing


Many people get fatigued of normal 9-5 jobs and get trained quickly in a freelance field that gives them more freedom. For example, freelance writers often have the skills to reach out to a large number of potential customers quickly and easily, and door hanger advertising options can help. Challenges Facing a New Freelance Writer  Quitting a normal 9-5 job to become an independent writer has many advantages. First of all, people can make their own schedule, make a difference in their community, and expand their writing skills in a variety of ways.

10 January 2020

Why Audience Targeting Is Important For TV Advertising And Other Marketing


If you are thinking about paying for TV advertising or other types of marketing, it's important to look into audience targeting. Audience targeting simply refers to the process of targeting your ads toward specific consumers. With TV, for example, you might choose to have your commercials aired during programming that tends to attract a certain audience. With other types of targeted marketing, such as with ads on social media sites, you can ask to have your ads shown to users that fit a certain demographic.

30 October 2019

Hard Time Drawing Tourists? Here's How Your Town Can Change That


Revenue for cities comes from three places; taxes, parking fines, and tourism. If that last bit is a big problem for your city, and not enough tourists are choosing to visit, your city needs some big help in a small way. More specifically, what it needs is group training for small towns, the type of training that focuses on marketing and targeting to tourists. Here is what is typically involved in this type of training.

11 July 2019

Top Reasons To Hire A Marijuana Branding Agency


Since marijuana has been legalized for medicinal and recreational use in a number of states, the marijuana industry is continuing to grow rapidly. Thus, if your company has one or more marijuana products ready to enter the market, now is the time to build your brand and make your product a name that marijuana consumers know and trust. Unfortunately, building your brand in the marijuana industry is very difficult to do on your own.

7 May 2019